Task 1.

Learn less formal sentences and more formal ones instead. Read them out loud. Record yourself with your mobile phone.

Task 2.

Listen to the audios. Repeat every sentence aloud several times. Record yourself with your mobile phone.

Introducing Yourself

Stating Your Purpose


Closing with Stories

Giving Your Position


May you have any questions

To Think About

Introducing Your Topic

Three Main Parts

Rhetorical Questions

Task 3.

Compare your pronunciation in the recordings. Try to detect the phonetic mistakes you made in the first one. Check whether your pronunciation improved in the second one. Write down the words that you are going to pronounce properly from now onwards. I'm going to ask you to tell me this list of words during our live class.

Task 4.

Fill in the gaps (verbally, NOT writing) in this table by remembering the missing equivalent of the sentence's formal or informal construction.  Do not write them. Say the sentences aloud several times.  

Task 5.

Work on the Quizlet.

Task 6.

Make up (inventa) a short formal introduction (of any topic) using the sentences below. Do it aloud. Do not write them.

Task 7.

Make up (inventa) a short informal introduction using the sentences below. Say them aloud. Do not write them.

Task 8.

Complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box. 

Task 9.

Work on the Quizlet. Pay special attention to the preposition use.

Task 10.

Read and learn these common verbs which we will use in this topic. Read  the sentences below out loud several times. 

Task 11.

Work on the Quizlet.

Task 12.

Read this useful information about this week's topic. Think about it. 

Task 13.

Go over the introductions checklist.

Task 14.

Read out loud the expressions found in this pdf document. Select 2 expressions from every subdivision to study. Do it verbally. Do not write anything down. 

Introductions vocabulary.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 417.6 KB

Disfruta de la grabación de la sesión de ayuda para Public Speaking Course

Tasks Week 1. Effective Presentations..p
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.4 MB